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Trump Set To Release Secret JFK Assassination Docs: Will We Learn The Truth?

For decades, the American intelligence services have closely guarded the facts surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, keeping the truth from us since that fateful November day.

Now, President Trump is ripping the seal off their secret documents to possibly expose what really happened.

Are there very dark organizations within our nation who had a hand in this dastardly deed, & do not want anyone knowing what they did?

I can tell you something is not right, & our POTUS wants to get to the bottom of all this...


TMZ reports, The documents have been kept under wraps since JFK's assassination November 22, 1963. JFK's successor, Lyndon Johnson, created the Warren Commission to determine if Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The Commission turned a blind eye to witnesses, documents and film suggesting a conspiracy.


Somebody looks guilty here...

The Warren Commission issued a 26 volume report, with thousands of documents, but the CIA and other agencies fought to keep thousands of documents secret, citing national security. The law says the remaining documents must be released by October 26 unless there are security reasons to keep them secret. Our intelligence agencies are still lobbying for secrecy.

There's a theory as to why these documents have been secret. JFK was led astray by the CIA over the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion in the first year of his presidency. Kennedy hated the CIA for the embarrassment and diminished its role in the world of intelligence. There are some who believe Oswald had ties to the CIA and the agency might have been happy to get a new, less hostile president.


My Own Inside Info.

Based on data from my clandestine service contacts, there is much more than CIA involvement.

I am prepared to tell you more about this at a later date, unless these latest documents freed by Trump will tell the tale & prove who & what was implicated in this horrific plot.

But don't worry, I will give you the scoop on the JFK murder if President Trump can't do it.

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